This two-day conference gathered leading experts, policy makers, and corporate leaders to examine the latest trends and patterns of Chinese outbound direct investments, regulatory framework and policy environment both in the origin and destination countries, and the implications of rising Chinese outbound direct investment for China’s economic growth and global economy.
Conference Program | 会议日程
Keynote Address 主旨演讲与听众交流
JIN Liqun, Chairman, China International Capital Corporation
金立群, 中国国际金融有限公司董事长
Honorable Gary LOCKE, U.S. Ambassador to China
骆家辉, 美国驻华大使
Featured Presentations: Day 1 星期一
Overview of China’s Overseas Investments: Trends, Patterns and Comparison
LONG Guoqiang, Chief of Secretariat, State Council Development Research Ctr
隆国强, 国务院发展研究中心办公厅主任
"发展世界级的跨国公司" (Chinese only)
Thilo HANEMANN, Research Director, Rhodium Group 美国荣鼎咨询 研究主任
"Following the Money: Chinese OFDI in the United States and Europe"(仅限英文)
LIU Qian (Louise), Deputy Director, China Service, Economist Group
刘倩, 经济学人集团信息部中国预测服务副总监
"China’s Going Global Index: Opportunities and Challenges" (仅限英文)
SHI Weiyi, Ph.D candidate, UC San Diego
史为夷, 加州大学圣地亚哥分校博士候选人
"Risky Business? A Firm Level Analysis of Chinese Outward Direct Investments" (仅限英文)
Chinese ODI: Motivation and Policy Environment
中国海外直接投资: 动机与政策环境
YU Qiao, Professor of Public Policy, Tsinghua University
俞樵, 清华大学公共管理学院教授, 清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心非常驻资深研究员
"China's Foreign Investment: Regulatory Framework & Structural Defects"
Arthur KROEBER, Managing Director, GaveKal Dragonomics and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy
清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心 非常驻资深研究员
WANG Mei, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, National Economics Research Institute, China Reform Foundation
王梅, 中国改革基金会国民经济研究所常务副所长, 资深研究员
Risk Management in Chinese ODI
David DOLLAR, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and former U.S. Treasury’s Economic and Financial Emissary to China
David DOLLAR, 布鲁金斯学会资深研究员,美国财政部前驻中国经济与金融特使
Erica DOWNS, Fellow, Brookings Institution
William L. ROSOFF, Partner, Akin Gump Hauer & Feld LLP
Additional Conference Presentations 其他会议演讲
KANG Rongping 康荣平, "中国企业与日本企业 海外发展比较" (Chinese only)
Featured Presentations: Day 2 星期二
Regulatory Environments in Destination Countries (Non-U.S.)
Brian D. BEGLIN, Partner, Bingham McCutchen LLP and Principal, Bingham Consulting LLC
"Regulatory Environments for Chinese Overseas Direct Investment in Destination Countries Other Than the U.S." (仅限英文)
Regulatory Environments in Destination Countries (Focusing on the U.S.)
Steve OLSON, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP and former Executive Director of SelectUSA, U.S. Department of Commerce
"Foreign Direct Investment into the United States"(仅限英文) - Partial Video
Daniel LEVINE, Special Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP
"Chinese Investment in the U.S. and U.S. National Security Regulations" (仅限英文) - Partial Video
Jack Z. CHEN, Chairman & CEO, Transworld Capital Group
陈仲华, 传实投资董事长兼首席执行官
"Cross-Border M&A Transactions Between the US and China"(仅限英文)
Labor, Environment, and Community Relations in Destination Countries
JIANG Heng, Vice Director, Multinational Corporation Research Center, MOFCOM
蒋姮, 商务部研究院跨国公司研究中心副所长
"中国对外直接投资风险管理的盲区与应对--冲突风险与群众路线" (Chinese only)
ZHAO Yingzhen, Research Analyst, World Resources Institute
赵颖臻, 世界资源研究所分析员
"中国对外投资中的环境 与社会风险管理案例研究" (Chinese only)
Additional Conference Presentations 其他会议演讲
Matthew FERCHEN, "Political Risk Analysis with Chinese Characteristics" (仅限英文)
TANG Xiaoyang, "Working Between Confrontation and Harmony" (仅限英文)
Background Readings 背景阅读
Background Papers on China’s Outbound Direct Investment 中国对外投资背景阅读
Compiled by Weiyi Shi, UC San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥校区史为夷提供
(Note: This reading list aims to provide some background readings for people who are interested in the topic. 注:以下背景阅读列举文章有限,仅供对中国对外投资问题有兴趣人士参考。)
- S. Athreye, S. Kapur, 2009. "The internationalization of Chinese and Indian firms: Trends, motivations and strategy," Industrial and Corporate Change, 18 (2), pp. 209–221.
- Bartlett, C. A., & Ghoshal, S. 2000. "Going global: Lessons from late movers," Harvard Business Review, 78(2): 132–142.
- Beazer, Quintin and Daniel Blake, 2011. "It’s All Relative: Home Country Risk and FDI Flows," Working Paper.
- Bremmer, Ian, 2010. The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations. (New York: Portfolio, 2010).
- Buckley, Peter J., Adam R. Cross, Liu Xin, Hinrich Voss, and Ping Zheng. 2007. “The Determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment,” Journal of International Business Studies, 38: 499–518.
- Buckley, Peter J., Adam R. Cross, Hui Tan, Liu Xin, and Hinrich Voss. 2008a. “Historical and Emergent Trends in Chinese Foreign Direct Investment,” Management International Review, 48(6): 715-748.
- Chen Jiagui, Huang Qunhui, Peng Huagang, Zhong Hongwu, 2011. "Research Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of China," CASS.
- Cheung, Yin-Wong, and Xingwan Qian. 2009. “The Empirics of China’s Outward Direct Investment,” Pacific Economic Review, 14(3): 312–341.
- Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro and Mehmet Genc. 2008. “Transforming Disadvantages into Advantages: Developing-Country MNEs in the Least Developed Countries,” Journal of International Business Studies 39:957–979.
- Deng, Ping. 2009. "Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion?", Journal of World Business, 44 (1), pp. 74–84
- G. Duysters, J. Jacob, C. Lemmens, Y. Jintian, 2009. "Internationalization and technological catching up of emerging multinationals: A comparative case study of China's Haier group," Industrial and Corporate Change, 18 (2), pp. 325–349GIZ China, Case Study of the Systematic Implementation of CSR in the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA).
- Ferchen, Matthew, 2013. "Political Risk Analysis with Chinese Characteristics: The Curious Case of Venezuela."
- Ferchen, Matthew, 1999. "The Political Economy of Foreign Investment and Soft Budget Constraints: The Case of a Chinese Multinational Operating in the Red."
- Global Environmental Institute (2013). Environmental and Social Challenges of China’s Going Global (Chinese version). China Environmental Press.
- Graham, Edward and David M. Marchick, 2006. "U.S. National Security and Foreign Direct Investment," Institute for International Economics.
- Haneman, Thilo and Daniel Rosen, 2012. "China Invests in Europe Patterns, Impacts and Policy Implications," Rodium Group
- Jacobson, Linda and Dean Knox, 2010. “New Foreign Policy Actors in China,” Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Policy Paper No. 26.
- JIANG, Heng《走出海外投资安全的雷区-冲突风险评估与管理》, 蒋姮著, 经济出版社, 2013年8月
- JIANG, Heng《合规-全球公司发展新趋势》, 主编蒋姮, 副主编王志乐, 经济出版社, 2012年
- Krasner, Stephen, 1978. Defending the national interest: Raw materials investments and US foreign policy.
- Lai, Hongyi Harry, 2007. “China's oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat?,” Third World Quarterly Volume 28, Issue 3.
- Lattemann , Christoph et. al. 2009. "CSR Communication Intensity in Chinese and Indian Multinational Companies, Corporate Governance," An International Review. Volume 17, Issue 4, pages 426–442.
- Leung, Denise and Yingzhen Zhao, et al., 2011. "Environmental And Social Policies In Overseas Investments: Progress And Challenges For China," World Resource Institute Issue Brief.
- Li, Quan and Liang Guoyang, 2012. "Political Relations and Chinese Outbound Direct Investment," Working paper.
- Liu, Qian, 2013. "China Going Global Investment Index," The Economist, Economist Intelligence Unit.
- Liu, Qian, 2010. "A brave new world: The climate for Chinese M&A abroad," The Economist, Economist Intelligence Unit.
- Lo, Fang-Yi, Yu-Ching Chiao and Dah-Hsian Seetoo, 2011. "Multinational corporations (MNCs) and risk perception: Understanding causes and strategic consequences," African Journal of Business Management, Vol.5 (8), pp. 3199-3211.
- Luo, Yadong, Qiuzhi Xue, and Binjie Han. 2010. “How Emerging Markets Governments Promote Outward FDI: Experience from China,” Journal of World Business, 38(4): 481–498.
- Mares, David R. 2011. "China's Investment in Latin American Energy Resources: Comparative Asian Perspectives," Working paper, James A. Bader III Institute for Public Policy. Rice University.
- Mauro F. Guillén and Esteban García-Canal, 2009. "The American Model of the Multinational Firm and the “New” Multinationals From Emerging Economies," ACAD MANAGE PERSPECT May 1, 2009 vol. 23 no. 2 23-35.
- Moran, Theodore , 2009. “Three Threats: An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process,” Policy Analysis in International Economics 89, Peterson Institute for International Economics.
- 聂名华 (Nie, Minghua), 境外直接投资管理政策与法制的国际比较, 《欧洲》 2002年04期
- Rosen, Dan and Thilo Hanemann. 2009. "China’s Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile," Peterson Institute for International Economics, Number Pb09-14.
- Rosen, Dan and Thilo Hanemann. "An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment," The Asia Society Special Report, 2011.
- Satyanand, Premila Nazareth Satyanand. "How BRIC MNEs Deal with International Political Risk," Columbia FDI Perspectives, No. 22, May 5, 2010.
- Shankleman, Jill. 2009. "Going Global: Chinese Oil and Mining Companies and the Governance of Resource Wealth," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC.
- Szamosszegi, Andrew. “An Analysis of Chinese Investments in the U.S. Economy,” Washington D.C.: U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2012.
- Takamiya S. and KE Thurley, 1985. Japan's emerging multinationals: an international comparison of policies and practices, University of Tokyo Press.
- Tan, Xiaomei; Zhao, Yingzhen; Polycarp, Clifford; and Bai, Jianwen; 2013. "China's Overseas Investments in the Wind and Solar Industries: Trends and Drivers," Working Paper.
- Yeung, Henry Wai-chung. 2004. “Strategic governance and economic diplomacy in China: The political economy of government-linked companies from Singapore,” East Asia, Spring 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp 40-64.
- 俞樵、张书清 (YU Qiao and Shuqing Zhang),中国企业在美投资的外部环境研究》Study on the External Environment of Chinese Investments in the United States, China Monograph series, Tsinghua-Brookings Center.
- 俞樵,中国外汇储备与全球产业投资》, 商务印书馆, 2013 (YU, Qiao, China’s Foreign Reserves and Overseas Investment, Commercial Press, 2013)
- Zadek, Simon, Chen Xiaohong et. al. 2009. "Responsible Business in Africa: Chinese Business Leaders’ Perspectives on Performance and Enhancement Opportunities, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative," Working Paper No.54, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Organizers/Sponsorship 会议主办方 会议赞助
Organizers 会议主办方:
21st Century China Century, UC San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥校区二十一世纪中国研究中心
Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy 布鲁金斯-清华公共政策中心
In Collaboration with 协办单位:
Enterprise Research Institute, Development Research Center of China State Council 国务院发展研究中心企业研究所School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University 清华大学公共管理学院
Benefactor 金牌赞助:
China Everbright Ltd 中國光大控股有限公司 搜狐
Patron 银牌赞助:
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 艾金•岗波律师事务所