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21st Century China Center China Center


The 21st Century China Center promotes original, timely and policy-relevant research on contemporary China. In addition to the individual work done by our scholars, the center has several large-scale and multi-year research studies underway.

Faculty investigators use data- based empirical research to study a wide scope of topics in Chinese politics and political economy, including the censorship and government control over the Internet and media in China, Chinese public opinion and China’s domestic and international policies


The CUHK-UC San Diego Joint Laboratory on Chinese Economy serves as a nexus for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, bringing together scholars and students to explore critical issues shaping China's economic landscape.


This ongoing public opinion survey explores the diversity of perspectives within Chinese society itself in order to gain a more accurate and textured picture of the Chinese people’s everyday concerns, opinions and values.

The center curates an online journal of papers by our scholars, published through the largest repository of Social Science and Humanities papers: the Social Science Research Network.