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21st Century China Center China Center

Susan Shirk and Lei Guang in ChinaTeam

Susan Shirk
Director Emeritus, 21st Century China Center, GPS
Research Professor, GPS

Victor Shih
Director, 21st Century China Center
Ho Miu Lam Chair in China and Pacific Relations

Lei Guang
So Family Executive Director
21st Century China Center, GPS

Harris Doshay
Assistant Director, Research and Writing
21st Century China Center, GPS

Sherry Hu
Assistant Director, Operations
21st Century China Center, GPS

Agnes Tumbaga
Administrative Assistant
21st Century China Center, GPS

Young Yang
China Data Lab
21st Century China Center, GPS

Susan Zau
Research Centers Events Coordinator, GPS

Mailing Address

21st Century China Center
School of Global Policy and Strategy
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0519
La Jolla, CA 92093-0519